One Display - Many Campaigns

Just like the seasons of the year, so does the look of our promotional display change. Thanks to exchangeable posters, you’ll swiftly switch the summer promotion of soft drinks to fall tea discounts. Without trouble, you’ll replace the beer bottles with bulky washing detergent packacges thanks to adjustable shelves. Additionally, the promotional display’s compact size will fit perfectly in local convenience stores and big highway gas stations.

Key values


Pay once, use for multiple campaigns and many brands.


Exchange posters and change shelf height freely.


Adequately illuminate posters and shelves.

Save your money

How do brands invest in the Promotional Display Q.Line to save money?
They use one promotional display for many campaigns. They make sure that the shop staff can exchange the graphics quickly and effortlessly. Shelf height adjustment is key to brands that own many product lines. They want to be ecologically responsible by substituting dozens of fragile cardboard promotional displays with a solid steel one that will last.

Benefit from Q.line

How do stores benefit from the Promotional Display Q.Line?
They use the slim and elegant-looking promotional display to improve the order and aesthetics of the shop. The customer won’t be distracted by messy and cheesy cardboard displays that need to be changed regularly. They increase their revenue thanks to the additional marketing space. They take advantage of the steel and failure-free construction that lasts for years.

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Hard to miss

Both brands and stores benefit from the eye-catching illuminated topper that is seen from a distance. The front shelf ads attract attention with additional lightning. No Q.line promotional display will be passed unnoticed by the consumer.

display furniture

Get yours now

More than enough reasons to get your Q.line display as fast as possible:

  • the steel structure endures large loads
  • powder-coated promotional display results in a neat look
  • perforated backwall enables hanging products on hooks
  • lit toper and shelf fronts attract the customer’s eye
  • products are illuminated from the top and bottom by the LED strips in the front of the shelves
  • magnetic connectors powering the display make the cables invisible even when shelves change their position
  • compact size makes the promotional display adjustable to any space
  • no tools needed to assembly the promotional display Q.Line
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It will fit right in!

W.Line fits all spaces. You’ll find it in your local grocery shop and the hypermarket in the shopping center in the city suburbs. What’s more, it serves its purpose in different locations in the store. Try mounting it in one of these favourable spots:

At the end of the aisle
it boosts category visibility and allows for optimal space use

makes the cross-selling skyrocket

In the row of racks
distinguishes products in a category aisle

In the checkout area
to benefit from an impulse purchase

promotional furniture

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