In the first part of the article on how to deal with what we can call the retail crisis, I presented you with two approaches that are worth following. You can find them here:

The first one involves investing in energy-efficient and sustainable solutions that will result in real savings in the long term.

The sturdy Perfecta retail furniture, illuminated with efficient Eco LED lighting that uses 33% less electricity, is the obvious choice for any manager or shop owner who wants to reduce costs.

The second way that can ensure that our establishment safely passes the Red Sea of the impending crisis is to increase the range and availability of goods.

This can be done either by adding additional shelving to display premium products, or by going in the opposite direction and using over-pallet shelving so that the space above the pallets can be used for cross-selling or for selling complementary products.

Is there anything else that can be done?

Way 3: Self-service

In recent times, self-service checkout areas have mushroomed in retail outlets. Shops have fallen in love with this solution, as it makes it possible to increase the number of checkouts without increasing the number of employees (one employee is enough to operate several self-service checkouts).

They are also loved by customers, who are keen to use them because they improve service and reduce the time they spend in the checkout queue.

This last factor, although beneficial from the customer’s point of view, is not something so much desired by the shop manager. People standing in the queue often kill time by putting impulse products into the shopping basket. Someone who spends less time in the checkout zone has fewer opportunities to be tempted to buy a product they had not planned to buy.

This is the eternal conflict between customer convenience and shop profit.

So, what can a manager do to make the shopping experience easier for the customers but without restricting their ability to buy impulse products?

Are the self-checkouts the answer to the retail crisis?

The solution comes in a form of special racks for impulse products adapted to the requirements of the self-service area. They make it easier to combine the needs of customers and retail outlets. Perfecta is currently preparing to launch a line of this type of retail furniture. A prototype is in the process of being created and we will keep you updated on the progress, so watch us on LinkedIn closely:

Find out more about impulse sales in the automated checkout zone in this article on our blog:

Way 4: Reusable display units

Advertising fuels commerce! But in-store marketing – while effective – has its dark side. Cardboard displays filled with products are a regular sight in shops. Customers manoeuvre their trolleys around them, often bumping and damaging them.

Then there is the question of aesthetics. All cardboard displays are similar – the graphics being the biggest difference – and they wear out in a similar way. At the end of their short but intensive life, the cardboard is tired, crumpled and the display becomes increasingly unstable, with the risk of its contents spilling out.

The cost of disposing of such a display should also be taken into account. Cardboard is not at all as easy to recycle as it seems. Its processing consumes large quantities of chemicals, as well as water and energy, which, after all, are not free. On top of this, it cannot be recycled indefinitely, as the fibres are no longer usable after having been through the recycling process several times.

So how do you reduce the costs involved, keep things aesthetically pleasing, while still retaining the ability to quickly rotate promotions and marketing messages that characterises in-store marketing?

Perfecta’s Q.line steel promotional racks are the answer:

Their robustness guarantees that they will last a long time, and the clever design allows marketing messages to be exchanged easily and efficiently to adapt the shelving unit to promote new products. For the same reason, Q.line promotional racks have adjustable shelf dimensions.

The shop’s aesthetics also benefit, as Q.line shelving is simply aesthetically pleasing. And once they have reached the end of their long life, recycling the steel structure is simple and relatively inexpensive!

You can find out more about reusable displays here:


These are all 4 ways in which, with the help of Perfecta, you can reduce the running costs of your retail establishment so as to enable it to survive tough times in good shape. Our retail furniture is durable, aesthetically pleasing and, on top of that, designed to be adaptable to most needs.

However, if you are looking for tailor-made solutions, get in touch:

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